Thursday, April 29, 2010

It is really hard... unfurl from the fetal position. I didn't want to, but I had to. Children are a powerful motivator, but other than that I would still be in my warm comfy bed. It is getting harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning, but life must go on no matter how mundane and useless is may seem. I get up, see the kids off to school, on work days, I go to work, do my 12 hours, come home, take a hot bath, and PRAY for a decent hour to hurry up and get here, so I can go to bed. My existence is just that an existence. Autopilot has taken over. Elvis has left the building. Lemme know if you find him. I want him back.


  1. Good job getting up! I mean it. That is the hardest part of the day. Keep going through the motions. Routine is good. Take care of yourself Geri. DO IT! I do care.

  2. Thanks Brook. Going through a rough spot. Been there. Done That. Didn't care to do it again, but here it is. This too shall pass.

  3. Geri. Need a friendie? anytime. anytime.

  4. Always Kate. I'll be OK. Nothing I haven't been through before. It just takes a little time.

  5. Thank you. I wish I knew what your name was in English though. :)
